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My quarantine

Hi, my name is Kathy, I’m 11 years old. As we are all aware about coronavirus. It changed everything as we had to go to a lockdown for a few months. School was off and everyone was bored and scared at home. Now I want to tell you all about how my lockdown went.

So, when lockdown was announced I was in the middle of year 6 and I had no idea what was going on. All I heard was’ CORONAVIRUS IS A DANGEROUS VIRSUS’ ‘SCHOOLS ARE GONNA BE SHUT DOWN’. Of course, my first reaction to hear that school is off was ‘yess no school. I was so wrong.

The first two weeks of lockdown were fun. I stayed home went on my phone and played with my brother. But when it got to three to four
weeks in, I was so bored. I was doing home-schooling and It really help me not fall behind my schoolwork.

Although we did do some interesting activities like painting and drawing it was still very boring being at home all the time, not seeing my friends and going out for
activities. There was one thing

Luckily, a few days later the government said that students in year 1 and year 6 needed `to go back to school.

I was incredibly happy, and school was fine. I was a bit worried about going secondary because of lots of things like {SATS} but I didn’t let them stop me from finishing
Primary school.

So around the last week of July I finally finished primary school. My friends and I planned a small leavers party {we were socially distancing and were at a park} and that’s was it. I was off to YR 7.

Starting secondary school knowing that I won’t know what set I’m in, due to not doing STATS, and that I didn’t know whether I would make friends or not was scary .But now I’m soo happy that I went because I have made so many lovely friends. Know it’s my third week at my school and I already feel so comfortable.

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